Playdate with Grandpa

Yesterday, at about 1:50 pm, my Grandfather, Paul Rickert, passed away. It was not an unexpected passing, as he has been battling cancer for some time. My father said he passed peacefully.
The emotions are, of course, strong right now. It is hard to face the prospect of another memorial service. But there is comfort.
I remember laughter. My Grandfather loved to laugh. He loved a good joke, and his laughter was never held back. When he laughed it would fill the room. Somewhere, right now, I believe that he and Aiden are laughing and playing jokes on people together.

There's not a lot else I can say about my Grandfather. He was a hard working man, he served his country, he raised his children. He made mistakes, but he learned from them. He loved his wife and his children, and he lived his life with joy. I hope that some day I will be able to look back at my life and say the same.

Goodbye Grandpa, say hello to Aiden for me. We will miss you.

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