As part of the LibraryThing Early Reviewer's program, I was recently sent a copy of Careers in Crime: An Applicant's Guide by Michael Weinberg. This book is a send up of the typical job hunting books that try to cover the "best jobs" in a given field. It's filled with statistics, example of practioners of different jobs, and ratings. Each job is summarized, descriptions of working conditions, environment, likelyhood of arrest and more are given for each job from counterfeiter to prison wife.
This book seems to be exactly as advertised. It's funny, and actually informative on several levels. While not a book that you're likely to sit and read in one session, it's a great book to keep in the bathroom. Many sections made me laugh out loud and read them aloud to the people around me. (Oddly, sometimes people find this annoying.)
My only real complaint about the book had nothing to do with the writing. The copy editing was terrible. There were many misspellings as well as an entire paragraph that was cut off mid sentence. Usually with advance reading copies there is a note that it is not the final version, but this book did not carry that notice and didn't appear to be a specifically printed Advance copy.
Overall I'll give Careers in Crime a 3.5 star rating.
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